CRM Complete Overview


Upgrading your business by keeping your customers and industry in mind is important. Customers have the power to decide the success of a company. CRM has come up with its excellent customer relationship management software.

What is CRM? 

CRM is one of the fastest-growing software in Digital Marketing. It has the potential to increase revenue by 245% and conversion rate by 300%. Sound overwhelming, right? However, these are real figures, and  95% believe in the potential of CRM software. 

It can improve access to customer data and even enhance customer retention. Moreover, it can help turn visitors into long-term customers. 

What is CRM 

CRM is one of the most up-to-date cloud-based CRM software. It was founded in 2018 by Balit Teknologi Karet. It is an Indonesia-based IT company that offers CRM services only in Indonesia. However, it caters to a wide range of business sizes and demands.

Key Features of CRM

The CRM is all about managing and maintaining positive reviews. Additionally it helps in improving customer relationships. With its centralized database, it collects data. These data are based on customer behaviour, transactions, and many more factors. And all these collected data are then analyzed and turned into actionable insights. These analyzed data help businesses make the right decision.

Let’s look at some of the best Benefits of CRM

1. Management of Customer Data

Understanding your customers is crucial for any business. With CRM, you can manage and store customer data. This makes it easier to meet their needs and preferences. It also helps you keep track of all customer interactions with privacy and security.

  • Store Customer Info:  Save customer details to understand client needs and preferences.
  • Contact Details: Access customer addresses, phone numbers, and emails.
  • Customer History: Track all past interactions to understand customer issues and behaviour.
  • Activity Tracking: Track actions like support tickets, website visits, and email reads.
  • Communication Organization: Classify and focus on messages for timely responses.
  • Privacy and Security: Follow top data security standards to protect customer information.

2. Reference-Based Customer Service

Efficient customer service is vital for maintaining strong client relationships. CRM allows you to track and manage customer inquiries. This helps ensure quick and personalized responses, enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Track Interactions: Manage customer questions, concerns, and suggestions efficiently.
  • Reference Management: Compile all client references in one place for easy handling.
  • Ticketing System: Log issues as tickets for individual tracking and resolution.
  • Priority Handling: Focus on customer issues based on context and urgency.
  • Conversation History: Keep records of past communications for better understanding.
  • Teamwork: Collaborate on client issues to solve them faster.

3. Sales Monitoring and Administration

Boost your sales efforts with comprehensive monitoring and administration tools. CRM helps you track prospects and manage leads. This leads to data-sourced decision-making and improved sales performance.

  • Prospect Tracking: Follow up on potential clients and find new marketing opportunities.
  • Lead Management: Track the status, progress, and follow-up of sales leads.
  • Sales Funnel Management: Watch sales stages to improve processes
  • Sales Reporting: Generate reports to test business performance and strategy.
  • Personalization: Tailor services based on customer purchasing habits.

4. Business Reporting

Accurate reporting is key to making informed business decisions. CRM offers reports that offer insights into your business operations. This helps you monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

  • Variety of Reports: Access reports on customer service, sales progress, and client trends.
  • Custom Dashboard: Create dashboards with specific metrics to assess the business state quickly.
  • Data Analysis: Examine customer behaviour and business data from various sources.
  • Report Export: Export reports to PDF, Excel, CSV, and other formats.

5. Group Collaboration

Effective teamwork is essential for resolving customer issues and achieving business goals. CRM facilitates smooth collaboration among team members.

Information Sharing: Shared customer data among team members to aid in engineering, sales, and service.

  • Collaborative References:  Work together on references to resolve issues faster.
  • Team-Specific Info:  Share important customer details and History with team members.
  • Cooperation and Notifications: Team members get notified and work together to fix issues.
  • Group Chat: Use group chat for discussions and resolving disputes.
  • Unique Roles: Assign specific roles and permissions to team members for data access and tasks.

Is Safe or a Scam?

When considering a CRM solution, safety and legitimacy are top concerns. is a reliable and secure platform. And it is trusted by many businesses for managing customer relationships. Here are several reasons why it is safe and not a scam:

  • Strong Data Security Measures: employs robust security protocols to protect customer data. They follow safety practices to ensure all data is securely stored and transmitted. This includes encryption, secure access controls, and regular security audits. All this is to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Compliance with Privacy Regulations: The platform sticks to various data privacy regulations. And ensures that your customer data is handled responsibly. Compliance with GDPR demonstrates their commitment to maintaining high privacy standards.
  • Positive User Testimonials and Reviews: Many businesses have shared positive experiences with They praised its functionality, ease of use, and customer support. These testimonials and reviews from actual users add to the credibility and reliability.
  • Transparent Company Information: provides clear and transparent information about its company. This information includes contact details, company history, and team members. This transparency builds trust and verifies the legitimacy of the business.
  • Regular Updates and Improvements: regularly updates its platform with new features and improvements. This continuous development shows a commitment to providing a high-quality service.
  • Secure Payment Processing: Balitteknologikaret CRM uses secure payment gateways to process transactions. This makes sure that your financial information is protected.


Today business’s success depends on building enduring customer relationships.’s cloud-based software emerges as a powerful tool. This CRM offers unmatched flexibility and scalability.

Imagine a world where managing customer data is effortless, accessible and safe. Gain invaluable insights into customer behaviour and sales trends through comprehensive analytics. Leverage these insights to craft data-driven decisions. Use these insights to optimize marketing campaigns and propel revenue growth.

Furthermore, their commitment to innovation guarantees regular updates. This brings new features, security patches, and improvements to the platform. The beauty of lies in its adaptability. It integrates with existing business tools. These tools may include email marketing platforms, accounting software, and e-commerce. They are solutions that foster a smooth workflow. Additionally, powerful automation features save valuable time by handling repetitive tasks. 

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