Hilarious would you rather questions are more than just a game. They’re the secret to an unforgettable get-together, starting conversations and keeping everyone together.
There’s no better way to bring people together than by throwing an amazing party. Games are the main attraction of any party, and therefore these are perfect. A funny game allows everybody to talk openly and get to know each other without any awkwardness.
These funny questions can light up your room with giggles. Your guests will surely remember them and want to come to your house repeatedly.
Funny & Hilarious Would You Rather Questions
- Have a low phone battery or a super slow internet connection?
- Eat spicy food forever or not be able to eat it again?
- Have extremely long hair or want to be bald for the rest of your life?
- Receive the best gifts or the best advice?
- Be allergic to sweat or allergic to the sun?
- Smell like a poop forever, or want others to smell you without you knowing?
- Spend a life without shampoo or without toothpaste?
- Would you rather be a monster or a clown?
- Pee in your pants at work or poop in your pants on a date?
- Have no eyelashes or one eyebrow?
- Have three ears or three eyes?
- Smell like eggs or smell like feet?
- Would you rather eat animal food forever or tasteless food for the rest of your life?
- Listen to only 5 of the worst songs, or be able to watch only 5 worst movies repeatedly for your whole life?
- Have sticky hands or sticky feet?
- Be weak but look strong, or look weak or be strong?
- Never have back pain or never need glasses?
- Never lose your balance or never get lost?
- Wear oversized undergarments or too-small undergarments?
- Always have an itchy nose or always have itchy eyes?
Tricky & Hilarious Would You Rather Questions
- Be the smartest or be the hottest among all?
- Not being able to sleep for a year or sleep for a full year?
- Eat chocolate-flavoured bitter gourd or bitter gourd-flavoured chocolate?
- Eat unlimited cheese pizza or unlimited cheesy tacos?
- Have a pet that can do magic or have a pet that can talk and understand what you are feeling?
- Ears like a bunny or tail like a monkey?
- Get tickled for an hour or hear an annoying laugh for a day?
- Want to see your future or be able to correct your mistakes in the past?
- Want people to see everything you do live-stream on Instagram or hear your each & every thought?
- Be super fast or super strong?
- Eat raw food for your whole life or overcooked food for the rest of your life?
- Live cost-free with horrible people, or live in a high-cost city with sensible people?
- Would you rather be depressed or stressed till the end of your life?
- Be dumped or be cheated on?
- Poor and make everyone happy, or be rich and make everyone sad?
- Not be able to eat pizza for your whole life or not be able to drink water for your whole life?
- Be 30 minutes late always or be 1 hour early every time?
- Always remain silent for the rest of your life or always tell the lie whenever you speak?
- Stick to eating healthy foods for the rest of your life or eat extreme junk food for the rest of your life?
- Give up taking baths for the rest of your life, or give up brushing your teeth forever?
Hilarious Would You Rather Questions For Girls
- Never see your best friend or never be able to talk with your family?
- Date your best friend’s partner or date someone you hate?Never be able to tie your hair for the rest of your life or never get rid of a ponytail for the rest of your life?
- Wear high heels all the time or live barefoot for the rest of your life?
- Never wear lipstick or never wear mascara?
- Destroy your favourite lipgloss or your favourite pair of heels?
- Never being able to express how you feel or never being able to laugh freely?
- Apply perfect winged eyeliner every time or be able to choose the right shade of foundation?
- Have a sexy body without brains or be intelligent with an average body?
- Never have period cramps for the rest of your life or never feel the pain while waxing for the rest of your life?
- Have a perfect husband with horrible in-laws, or have a bad husband with good in-laws?
- Go outside with no eyelashes or go without eyebrows?
- Be the most beautiful girl or the smartest girl?
- Be able to wear your boyfriend’s Crocs or be able to wear all his oversized clothes?
- Never eat chocolates for your whole life or never eat spicy foods for the rest of your life?
Hilarious Would You Rather Questions For Boys
- Not be able to play your favourite game ever or not be able to watch your favourite show ever?
- Stay single for the rest of your life, or be in a toxic relationship?
- Get a slap from your crush or kiss your best friend’s partner?
- Cheat someone you really love or love someone you really hate?
- Not be able to say a word or not be able to hear anything?
- Slap your girlfriend’s best friend or see everything your girlfriend is doing?
- Be clean-shaven for the rest of your life, or be unshaven forever?
- Not being able to eat your favourite food again or not being able to play your favourite sport?
- Be rich and single or be poor with a loyal partner?
- Stay single for the rest of your life, or have a perfect relationship with your crush for one month?
- Eat your favourite food every day or never eat it again?
- Eat spicy wings for the rest of your life, or eat only sweet items forever?
- Be the coolest guy or be the most intelligent guy?
Hilarious Would You Rather Questions For Couples
- Date someone quite taller than you or date someone quite shorter than you?
- Want your partner to cook tasteless meals for you or eat spicy foods cooked by him?
- Forget about your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
- Never be able to talk with your partner or never be able to listen to them?
- Date someone who is beautiful but arrogant, or date someone who is average-looking but funny?
- Date someone who’s ugly but loyal, or date someone handsome but unfaithful?
- Would you rather date someone who stinky or date someone who’s farts a lot?
- Forget your date’s name on the first date, or forget their face?
- Date a stinky person or date an extremely rude person?
- Date someone cute but not a good person or a good person with an ugly face?
Let’s Wrap Up
If you are ready to host a party but don’t know how to make it exciting, these hilarious would you rather questions will surely make your party exciting. These questions will bring people closer and make the environment fun. Whether you want to ask your girl gang, boy’s group, your partner, or your friends, these questions will bring way too much fun.
Also Read :100+ Would You Rather Questions To Know More About A Person